Scripture Conversation 9:30
Holy Eucharist 10:30
10:30 Children's Chapel (K-4th)
St. Margaret's Episcopal Church
Wherever you are in your faith journey you are welcome here!
Scripture Conversation 9:30
Holy Eucharist 10:30
10:30 Children's Chapel (K-4th)
We Are St. Margaret's
We find joy in seeking and serving God together.
encouraged, doubts acknowledged, differences accepted.
Whatever your religious background, sexuality, politics, or race you are welcome here.
Come and see!
We trust in a loving, life-giving God.
We show love for God by loving our neighbors.
We live by faith that seeks understanding through scripture, tradition, and reason.
The Episcopal Church brings prayers, practices, and traditions drawn from centuries of Christian worship into a contemporary setting.
The dress code is casual, the spirit is reverent and joyful.
Principal service of the week is Holy Eucharist Sunday mornings at 10:30.
Members of our community celebrate together in good times and are there for each other when times are hard. We reach out to serve others in the community around us. Newcomers are warmly embraced and quickly included.
We work to help each other live out Christ's commandment:
"Love one another as I have loved you."
Living Our Faith in Community
Celebrating the Sacrament of Baptism
Initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into the Body of Christ
Celebrating the Sacrament of Eucharist
Receiving the Body and Blood of Christ is the heart of our worship
Worshiping as a Community
Giving God thanks and praise together
Children's Chapel
Sundays at 10:30 learning about God's Word and God's love.
Sharing Table Fellowship
Breaking bread together as a church family, opening our doors to the communities around us. A highlight is the Annual Oyster Roast in March.
Blessing of the Animals
Yearly event on the Sunday closest to the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi (October 4th)
Upstate Family Resource Center
Ongoing donations, participating in distribution to UFRC clients
Partnering with Cooley Springs-Fingerville Elementary School
Donating resources, volunteering in classrooms, participating in special events
Trunk or Treat
Turning our parking lot into a temporary neighborhood along Highway 9 that's fun and safe
Passing the Peace
Sharing fellowship and friendship as part of our worship
Welcoming Others
When people at St. Margaret's say "We're glad you're here!" they really mean it
Where to Find Us
St. Margaret's Episcopal Church is located at
4180 Highway Nine Boiling Springs, SC 29316, just 1/2 mile north of Walmart Supercenter.